Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A great day!

The title says it all because I couldn't think of one. xD Despite of testing (which I thought I was gonna have math I had Language Arts Day 1 as part of my state test. But I'm still worried I might not pass the math part xP) After the test we still have a half hour left and I talked to my friend who I haven't seen in a while who I wanted to hang out with. In next period I had Publish Arts and all we did was paint. XD A while after I was invited to a table with some girls and two guys I knew and they seemed nice ^^ I guess I don't have to sit near annoying freshmen anymore LOL (I shouldn't say that but still :P) In spanish was easy too, the teacher helped us with the work and time flew by fast. x) Yesterday did too. I stayed after a while and hang out with two of my girl (friends) I don't see much of. =P Then I walked home and went to the beach.

So I had a really good day. The weather and temperate was nice and I managed to talk to people (just a little). Though I am worried that if one bad thing happens then it'll ruin it. D8 (Oops I jinxed Dx) Hope yours was nice too! ^^


  1. Mine wasn't a good day as you know. XD
    But it sounds as if everything in your day was very productive and everything went well. Good weather also can really help.
    I am happy for you. ^^

  2. Aww thanks for saying that. ^^ Too bad I can't say the same for you XD; Now I know why weather's important (jk)
