Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A nonimportant rant

I can't stand that bitch. The one who always tells me what to do. I know this sounds like all parents but her biggest fear is germs. That's right. GERMS. Germs are everywhere, and you can't escape it. But she takes it to the next level. She has to wash everything down after being handled outside. She has to wipe the floors. All it is that she is making her life harder than it is. And for me. It's no good.

I can take other's peoples opinions but not hers. It's ruining her life one day at a time. She's going crazy. She IS crazy. Today I wanted to bring home some library books, some how-to-draw ones that I can practice sketching and on the computer. But she said "no, you can't bring them in your bedroom. You can work out here or outside." But this upcoming week was spring break. I was planning to work in my bedroom, with my netbook and my sketches were I feel comfortable. We had to compromise and she has to wash down the books by each PAGE. She is crazy.

I wanted to smack that hoe. I wanted to tell her to "fuck yourself". If I did then she would NEVER love me. I want to tell her how I feel but I can't, because she thinks I don't "understand". Look. You're only living in what's your mind. You should not force people's opinions even if you're in control. I said I can help wash the floors but she says "no". I want to help her a little but she denies. She's crazy for not wanting my help.

But if I tell her the truth, then she'll hate me more than she already does.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A great day!

The title says it all because I couldn't think of one. xD Despite of testing (which I thought I was gonna have math I had Language Arts Day 1 as part of my state test. But I'm still worried I might not pass the math part xP) After the test we still have a half hour left and I talked to my friend who I haven't seen in a while who I wanted to hang out with. In next period I had Publish Arts and all we did was paint. XD A while after I was invited to a table with some girls and two guys I knew and they seemed nice ^^ I guess I don't have to sit near annoying freshmen anymore LOL (I shouldn't say that but still :P) In spanish was easy too, the teacher helped us with the work and time flew by fast. x) Yesterday did too. I stayed after a while and hang out with two of my girl (friends) I don't see much of. =P Then I walked home and went to the beach.

So I had a really good day. The weather and temperate was nice and I managed to talk to people (just a little). Though I am worried that if one bad thing happens then it'll ruin it. D8 (Oops I jinxed Dx) Hope yours was nice too! ^^

Friday, March 5, 2010


I am so bored as a first post I decided to post this Etno collage I did some years ago. I hope to do another one. ^^